This fall we signed Jenelle up for an after school program. The karate place near her school was offering something cheap so I signed up. Jenelle was NOT excited. She was NOT interested in karate. I heard this over and over. Well, too bad. She had to go on the days I was working.
This program has been great, but not without controversy. First the greatness. On Tuesdays they practice gymnastics. I could barely teach Jenelle to do a somersault. Mr K. (the karate sensei) has her practicing kart wheels, dive rolls and back bends. Mr. K. has Jenelle shouting "High Ya" while kicking and blocking. She has progressed to a yellow belt. She has a very fun time in the program. He taught a stranger danger class. Jenelle attended and learned a lot. I feel like karate might help her to be more assertive in the long run. Mr. K can push her and she'll do whatever he asks.
Now for the controversy. Mr. K wanted Jenelle to "test" from white belt to yellow. Jenelle was extremely resistant to testing. She'd look Mr. K in the eye and say "yes, I want to test." Then on the drive home she would tell Curt she didn't want to. She would get panicky and teary eyed every time I mentioned it. Mr. K has also been pushing for Jenelle to get a uniform. I haven't wanted to get one because Jenelle is NOT interested in karate. Jenelle has also said repeatedly that she does NOT want a uniform. Curt and Mr. K had a little confrontation about the uniform. Mr K was in Curt's face. Oh my! Basically, Mr K. thinks Curt is holding Jenelle back and it's all Curt's fault that Jenelle doesn't want to test or wear a uniform. (By the way, Mr K. thinks I'm really nice.)
We broke down yesterday and bought the stupid uniform. Jenelle LOVES it! Crazy girl. Why has she been so resistant? She wore the uniform and was practicing all her moves. If you ask, Jenelle will still say she is not interested in karate. Whatever!
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