Jenelle doesn't watch much tv. She does a lot of playing and a fair amount of reading. But at the end of a long summer day she likes to watch a show before bed. I'm getting more and more particular about the shows she watches. She is getting too mature for a lot of the cartoons that she used to like. I don't like her watching Hannah Montana and Icarly. So what is a mom to do?
We caught an episode of Funniest Home Videos. Jenelle really liked it. It's family friendly. I've started taping the old episodes.
One Saturday afternoon, Curt and Jenelle watched an episode of "Man vs. Wild". It's a show where they drop Bear Grylls into the middle of nowhere and he has to survive with just a pocket knife. It's a great show about survival. Jenelle was fascinated!! She even plays Man vs. Wild with her stuffed animal friends. One day I found her roasting a bear over a fire. She told me how she shot the bear and she even had the bear suspended over the fire (with badmintons). We wouldn't want the bear to burn to a crisp now. I wish I had a picture.
Another show I have found to be acceptable is "Wipeout". People have to go through these crazy hard obstacles and they often wipeout. It's a funny show.
Have you noticed a common them with these shows? As a family we laugh at other people's perils, goof ups and misfortunes. Hmmm...maybe I need to reconsider these shows. :)
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