One of the things I love best about vacation is the food. I think everything tastes better if you don't have to cook it or clean it.
Everything was so fresh. We ate gobs of fruit everyday. I overdosed on guacamole and jicama. Each night the buffet was a different theme. We ate in Joel's section a lot. He was our favorite busboy. He made Jenelle a mouse out of a napkin one night. In the picture he made her a béret on French night. He made her a snail out of a swivel stick on another night. I think Jenelle had a little crush on him. She kept smiling at him. One night we left the camera on the table. Joel tracked us down in the lobby to return it. Great guy. I miss him cleaning for me already.
Jenelle had ice cream every day on vacation. They had so many yummy flavors. It was our vacation special treat. I took her to the doctor last Thursday for a physical for camp. The girl weighed 51lbs. Now that's a lot of ice cream!
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