Saturday was a beautiful day until the phone rang at 7:30am. The weekends are my time to catch up on my beauty sleep. I usually don't roll out of bed until 8:30 or 9:00am. Some of my friend's children will sleep in, but Jenelle is an early riser even on weekends. Luckily, I have an awesome husband who lets me sleep in. Anyway, back to the phone call. Chris got into an accident while heading up to go ski. Curt drove to Idaho Springs to pick them up. We had Zack over for a playdate so Chris could get her rental car and take care of other stuff.
The kids went outside to play on the trampoline, but quickly came back in complaining of bees. Are the bees out already? I don't know, but it was 60 degrees. I wanted those kids to play outside. So I took them across the street to the park. For years now Jenelle has loved that park. One of her favorite activities is to look for BB's there. Older kids in the neighborhood come to the park to shoot their BB guns. The BB's are these colorful little balls. Jenelle and Zack spent a good 45 minutes just walking around the park picking up the BB's. They shouted out every color they collected. "RED", "GREEN", "ORANGE". Occasionally someone would shout out "PINK" and then I'd hear a "NO FAIR". They had to have equal colors. They must have collected close to 100 BB's each. Jenelle keeps all her BB's in a jar in her room.
I was able to get them to play on the equipment eventually. It was just a gorgeous day. On Sunday it was cold and snowy. Today is cloudy and dreary. Ugh! I'm so ready for spring!
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