Merry Christmas! We went to church on Christmas Eve. Jenelle sat with us for the first time and she got to hold her own candle during the candlelight part. She woke up Christmas morning very excited. Santa brought her too many things. She got a grown-up scooter: it has two wheels instead of three. She got a keyboard. She got new underwear and pants. She got a magic set and shrinky dinks. She got a new Wii game and some other little things. She also got a new bean bag chair for her room. We thought she could read on it, but so far the Webkinz have enjoyed it more than Jenelle.
On Christmas day Grandma-ma, Jim, Chris, her dad and Zack came over for dinner. We had the usual turkey dinner and all the fixings. The kids had a great time playing together. Grandma-ma polished off a bottle of chocolate-mint Bailey's Irish Creme. We'll be sure to get another bottle for next year. Curt polished off quite a bit of wine himself. Grandma-ma can handle her liquor better than Curt can.
We finished off the night by playing dominoes. Jenelle and I were a little sick this year for Christmas. We hope to be better by New Year's.
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