Spring Break came at a good time. Strep throat is going around Jenelle's class at school. Three kids have gotten it. Mrs. Hart was going to give all the desks a good cleaning this week. Jenelle has been fine. She has had a little sniffle and that's it. Just a day or two with a little sniff sniff. Not a runny nose. Not a cough. Well, Curt and I caught whatever she had and we're both sick. Really sick. Runny nose, sore throat, cough and tired! I can't tell you how many times this has happened. Jenelle comes home with a sniffle and we end up getting deathly ill. Curt and I will recover soon. At least we're both sick at the same time. We can commiserate together.
Today Jenelle has a friend in the neighborhood over. Tomorrow my friends are coming over for brunch with their kids. Jenelle has a sleep over planned with Emmeri tomorrow night. She is very excited about it. Thursday we have a play date planned and then Friday my sister comes to town. Jenelle is very excited to spend time with her cousins. I'm excited to see them, too!
Happy Spring!
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