Last summer Curt took Jenelle to Ace Hardware. They were handing out free WebKinz. First I guess I should explain what a WebKinz is. They are cute stuffed animals that you take online. You create a room for your webkinz. You feed it, love it, buy it clothes, furniture and food. You work odd jobs to earn money for your pet. You get the idea. A total time drain, but lots of fun.
Anyway, Jenelle did not want the WebKinz from Ace, but since it was free Curt brought it home. That Persian Cat sat around the house unused and unloved for months. Yesterday Jenelle wanted to take her online. We now have a virtual home for Rainbow Fluff. Jenelle bought her cat a sink and gave her a bath. She is buying Fluff healthy food. I answered 50 trivia questions to help her earn some money. She painted fences and earned a few bucks.
So I don't know how often I'll be posting to the blog because Jenelle will be wanting computer time now.