I'm stuffed! We had a fun Thanksgiving. Chris's whole family flew in for the weekend. Mom and Jim were came over, too. I thought the food was especially good this year. Chris made the turkey. We played our favorite game, Mexican Train dominoes. Jim was vicious; cutting off trains. Carter (Chris' brother) kept calling Curt "Ken". It was a nice relaxing Thanksgiving (except for all the cleaning and cooking we did before everyone came over). It was a late night. Everyone left a little after 10pm. Jenelle didn't get to bed until 11pm, but she wasn't even crabby.
Jenelle and Zack really played nice together. They played on the scooter. They played their own version of Dora dominoes. Jenelle even got Zack to color with her. (Coloring if her favorite thing to do right now.) Jenelle would make a great big sister. She really enjoyed being a tattle tale on Zack. "Zack isn't eating his turkey."
Jenelle is in to dressing up and looking pretty. So she wore her fancy blue dress. She got gravy all over it, but who cares. I enjoyed watching her dance and twirl and sparkle!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
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