I was doing some cleaning around the house today. I cleaned the fish tank. It was looking really green. Those poor fish. I thought I'd clean the bathroom while I was in there. Jenelle noticed me cleaning the toilet. I must have made it look like a lot of fun because she asked it she could clean. What mom will ever say no to that question? Jenelle spent about 10 minutes swirling the brush around the toilet. I don't think the toilet has ever been so clean.
Just a side note on toilets... EVERY single time Jenelle goes to the bathroom for a poop, she plugs the toilet. I'm not joking. Ten minutes ago she was in the bathroom. The toilet won't flush now. I just bought another plunger at Walmart so I'd have one on both levels of the house. Someday Jenelle will kill me for putting stuff like this on the blog, but I think it's funny. It won't be long before she can read the blog for herself so enjoy these funny/embarrassing stories now while I'm still able post them.