I remember when Jenelle was 3 and she kept asking "Why?". I did not enjoy that stage of toddler hood. I found it annoying. I had read somewhere that a parent should respond with "Why do you think?" Jenelle would just say to me "Why do YOU think?" Well I feel like we are revisiting that stage in a way.
Jenelle is just full of questions! All the time. At least the questions are interesting and not just "why why why". Today she asked why her middle finger was bigger than all the rest. Good question. I have no idea. We had a whole big discussion on her heart the other day. She wanted to know why she could feel her heart beat in her neck. So we discussed arteries and how the heart beats. She was fascinated. She was asking today about her immune system. Oh my! She is in a very inquisitive stage. I have a really good memory, but I don't remember a lot from science and biology with a lot of accuracy. I did get an A in biology in college. But that's because I bought a bunch of practice tests and memorized all the answers. Maybe not the best way to learn, but I got an A! But I digress, back to Jenelle.
She has been asking about sharks and a bunch of other things that I have no clue about. I guess we'll be getting even more books from the library. I have about 60 books from the library at home right now. Curt laughs at me about all the books. Jenelle and I love to read, but I'm not going to buy books. We read them once and return them. Some of the really good ones we'll read twice or I'll wait a few months and check them out again. I just checked out a really cute book about a Spider who wants to become a family pet. I guess I need to go get a book about sharks.