Jenelle had Awana on Tuesday night. She was running around the halls with Eme when they tripped over each other. They both went down hard with Eme landing right on top of Jenelle. Jenelle got her first rug burn. She screamed loud enough for all of Awana to hear about it. It did look rather painful. After about 5 minutes of crying she stopped and was off running again. We put a band-aid on it and she was good to go.
The next day I picked Jenelle up from school and she was only wearing one shoe. I asked, "Why aren't you wearing your shoe?" She replies, "I have a growth burn." I don't know about you, but I've never heard of a growth burn before. Jenelle's heal was hurting and she was really bothered by it. So Mrs. Hart sent her down to the nurse's office. The nurse told her, "There is nothing you can do for a growth burn." (I think Jenelle enjoys going down to the nurse's office. She has been there quite a few times. I think I need to make a contribution of band-aids to the school.)
The next morning Jenelle woke up hobbling on her one good leg still complaining of her growth burn. She looked at me with big crocodile tears in her eyes. I wasn't feeling much sympathy. I was only thinking that this was going to be a long day. She hobbled around and asked me to carry her places. She wasn't letting this thing go. So what is mom's best plan? DISTRACTION! I got her all involved in putting together Halloween costumes for Curt and I. Curt is going as a pirate and I'm going as a hula dancer. I got my outfit on and was dancing the hula. Jenelle is an expert hula dancer and she was showing me her best moves. She was dancing and then jumping on the bed. It was a miraculous healing!