Jenelle's birthday was on Saturday. She is 6 years old. I've added a picture from Jenelle's birth. It's hard to believe she was ever that tiny.
When Jenelle turned 5, we discussed all the big girl things she would do this past year. She would:
1. Lose her first tooth -- she lost two.
2. She would put her face in the water at the pool -- she is becoming a really good swimmer.
3. She would start Kindergarten -- she loves it.
We are setting some big girl goals for age 6:
1. Ride her bike without training wheels.
2. Sleep through the night without a pull-up.
3. Swim without floaties.
We'll add to the list as we think of things.

Jenelle had a TinkerBell party this year. We invited her Kindergarten class. We had about 10 kids. The weather was perfect so we had the party across the street at the park. We played musical chairs, hot potato (with a wand) and fairy tag. The kids liked fairy tag the best. One person with a wand (or a sword) would run around and tag all the kids. If you got tagged you had to freeze and wait for a fairy to come sprinkle you with pixie dust to unfreeze you. To make the dust, I dyed salt and added glitter to make it sparkle. The kids loved running around pretending to be fairies with the dust. Jenelle got a lot of great gifts this year. I don't know where I'm going to put them all. I feel a trip to Goodwill coming. :)

Last year we had a special Cinderella cake. I wanted a cool cake this year, too. We couldn't think of what to make. I had been reading Jenelle the book, "The Trouble With Tink" and that is where we got our cake idea. TinkerBell is a pots and pans fairy that lives in a tree. We thought it would be fun to make the tree as part of our cake. Curt did all the construction work. He built the tree, did the paper mache and then spray painted in brown. The cake was a big hit with all the kids at the party.